With Brandi at our good friend Jen's baby shower. I wrote Brandi a note when we were 14 and asked her to be my best friend, she checked the box yes and here we still are 23 years later...

Mom ordered a birthday cake for Caroline, totally her that is for sure

my family

Caroline celebrates her birthday again mexican style

Jack caught a bass

Fishing with dad

My brother's horses

The kids love to wash and ride the horses

Brandi and Parker had a great time together, she had her first ice cream cone while she was with us

My mom with Jack and Claire

This is Bald River Falls, beautiful
The kids were out of school for spring break the week of easter so we went to visit mom in TN. We fished and saw the horses at my brother's house, drove to Pigeon Forge for the day where Chris took the kids to Magic Quest(mom and I shopped of course). We took a short hike up Bald River Falls in Tellico Plains and had a picnic. My sister had us over for a cook out and we celebrated Caroline's birthday once again at the local mexican joint. Chris and I got a fun night out with friends as well and enjoyed a great visit from Brandi and little Parker. It was a whirlwind!