Jack got a pogo stick for Christmas this year, he has been on it constantly, his record as of this morning was 1,130..

Funniest pic of the season, got to love the blown up wrestler and all the belts..Claire was really getting into it!

Blown up wrestler/boxer was a hit...now he has an oversized teddy bear to practice his moves and the scary blow up man to punch...got to love little boys. Santa could not resisit the hilarious punching bag this year...

The pogo stick and stomp rocket have provided hours of entertainment..

Claire's two favorite gifts, tiger and slinky dog..

Brady opening his gift from Jack, first Christmas for our Brady boo..

Jack opening his stocking which had drum sticks...he starts drum lessons in January!

Claire starting on her gifts...notice it is still dark outside Christmas morning!

Nana and Caroline on Christmas morning...Nana will kill me for putting this on here...

Jack and Caroline, Christmas 2004 in Okinawa..

Brady and Claire, Christmas 2011 in Beaufort, SC

Getting ready for the family service at church..

Christmas Eve

Singing in the Christmas play at church..

This was Claire's face the entire time she was on stage...

We actually got a night out and enjoyed a cocktail party at my friend Heather's house..thank you Nana!

Nana and Caroline in Charleston, we spent a day shopping on King street and enjoyed lunch at SNOB..

Christmas outfits!

Making gingerbread houses..
We had a nice quiet Christmas this year, our last to celebrate in Beaufort. Mom came and we spent a nice relaxing week shopping, eating out and just enjoying the kids! We managed a trip to Charleston and a day in Hilton Head as well. Mom made a wonderful Christmas dinner for us with a 10 lb honey baked ham which we enjoyed for days!