Claire turned 4 on June 12, no longer my baby! Yes, I consider all of my children babies until the age of 4! We had a pool party to celebrate with 4 friends. The weather was perfect and Claire had so much fun, we could not have asked for a better day. I can't believe how fast these 4 years have flown. We are so blessed to have our sweet, shy, demure, easy and might I say beautiful(look at those features!)Claire bear! Happy Birthday my sweet girl!

Helping to ice her cupcakes for the party

I think she ate more icing than she actually put on, yummy

Jack gave Claire his bike(which he has outgrown) for her birthday complete with a girly basket, ribbons and training wheels!

My girls

Brady hung out in the pack and play or by anyone who wanted to hold him, thanks to Corey who could not get enough of him!

Summer time fun

Claire had a great time

These huge sunglasses I gave out were a hit

Make a wish

Pool party

Opening presents later that day with help from Jack of course
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